There are many different types of aftermarket upgrades that you can find for your vehicle. From custom wheels, seats and body kits to lighting units, entertainment systems, exhaust systems, suspension kits and intake systems, you can customize your car, truck, SUV or van any way that you like. It's a great way to take a stock vehicle and turn it into something that truly reflects your style.
Getting the Job Done Right
At San Francisco Automotive Solutions, we help a lot of customers with these aftermarket upgrades and installations. They are trusting us to make sure the job is done right and that everything works the way it should once installed. Even when it comes to cosmetic add-ons, there are still right and wrong ways to install aftermarket components. We can't tell you how many people come into our shop wanting us to fix a poorly done "upgrade" that they did themselves or had done at another shop.
Be Careful Not to Get in Over Your Head
Sure, there are plenty of kits and parts that you can easily install yourself—especially if you are familiar with working on cars. However, not everything out there on the market is as easy to add on as advertised. Some systems can be quite complex. Removing what's already there and then installing the new components may be trickier than you expect. Sometimes there is custom wiring that needs to be done or custom mounting brackets that have to be added/moved.
Our recommendation is to make sure you know exactly what you are doing before installing anything that affects the electronics, engine, fuel system, suspension, drivetrain, brakes or exhaust system. These are very important systems in your vehicle that will affect its performance (and your safety as a driver), so just be careful.
Auto Customs Services at San Francisco Automotive Solutions
If you do need help with your aftermarket upgrades and customizations, San Francisco Automotive Solutions is here to help. From cosmetic alterations to high-performance systems that will help you get the most out of your vehicle, our technicians are experts at custom automotive work. Call our shop today at (415) 957-1170 or schedule your service appointment online.